
Revolutionizing Human-Machine Interfaces

Tactical Haptics is revolutionizing human-machine interfaces through a new type of touch feedback that is more realistic than industry-standard vibration feedback — Reactive Grip™ touch feedback.

The company’s initial target market is virtual reality (VR), where its touch feedback will create fully immersive experiences to make VR (and AR) compelling to millions of more people. Reactive Grip™ touch feedback creates engaging physical interaction in virtual environments that significantly improves upon the realism of interactions compared to “rumble” vibration feedback.

Other applications include navigation aids for the blind, physical therapy (e.g., upper limb rehabilitation), robotic and minimally invasive surgery, piloting drones/UAVs, sports/swing training, education, and telerobotics. Tactical Haptics was founded by William Provancher, former professor of mechanical engineering in 2013.


Tactical Haptics is based in the California San Francisco Bay Area.

For inquiries, please contact us at ​info@TacticalHaptics.com​ address. Or, get in touch through our contact form here.

William Provancher


William has worked as an aerospace engineer and more recently as a professor focused on electro-mechanical design with research focused on haptics and robotics before founding Tactical Haptics.

Michael Jones

Lead Software Developer

Mike is a VR Swiss Army Knife that develops VR demos you can feel!